Photo at right is my friend Winnie who will be 99 on October 8, 2009.
Why do we get old? I don't mean in years, but the inner person, the all-encompassing thing that is the 'real me'. Some people seem old at fifty, spending their time in front of the television watching soaps and sit-coms, filling themselves with chips and pop. And then there are those, like my friend Winnie, who, on October 8 will celebrate her ninety-ninth birthday. Up until the beginning of this year she was still doing volunteer work in the General Store at a chronic care hospital--serving coffee and running the cash register! My mother, who lived with me for the past nearly five years, was able to look after herself almost until she died. She ran her own home alone before she broke her hip and moved here. Winnie has a friend who several years ago became a centenarian and has only recently given up entertaining.
Have you ever wondered what makes the difference?
I realize our genetic make-up plays a major role in how many years we live. Disease can age the body long before its time. Excessive amounts of unhealthy stress can over-burden our systems and short-circuit our life-span as well.
Healthy living contributes to longevity. (By the way, what do you call it when longevity isn't the outcome--shortevity?) To a large extent, the food we eat dictates the outcome of our lives. Eat at fast food restaurants several days a week and it will very likely lead to an early grave. And exercise--that's important, too. But there seems to be something more to it than that.
I believe our state of mind plays a giant role in how fast we age and how many years we live.
I believe our state of mind plays a giant role in how fast we age and how many years we live.
People who feel they are not needed lose interest in life far more quickly than those who have others relying on them, be it family, an employer, friends, it doesn't really matter who or the reason why. As long as human beings feel useful, they find purpose in living. Take away that usefulness and you take away their reason for life. Those who keep their minds active are more apt to keep their bodies active.
Winnie began volunteering at Parkwood Hospital in 1975, the month after she officially retired. She visited the residents, took them shopping, accompanied them to the Western Fair every fall. She helped at the strawberry socials, the monthly birthday parties. She has always been involved in church. Now, if she can't find someone to take her out every day she's not a happy camper. Though she has slowed down physically and has become somewhat unsteady on her feet, she still keeps going--and still won't take her cane or walker when she goes out!
So, my advice to anyone who wishes to have a long, productive and satisfying life is to feed your mind with positive, challenging things. Don't be afraid to try something new even if you think you are too old. At 64, much of the technology of the age appears daunting to my technologically-challenged mind. But here I am, after setting up this blog site with no outside help (except the Lord), blogging away as if I have been doing it for years. Best of all, I feel invigorated by the process. I'm excited about what I'm doing, and challenged to continue. Things suddenly look different. My creativity is flowing free once again after a dormant period over the past few months. I've learned my lesson: we're never too old to learn.
Keep feeding your body healthy nutrition, exercise in whatever way suits your schedule and physical condition best, get enough hours sleep each night and keep mentally active. I won't guarantee you will live to 100, but your years will be more productive and you will be much happier if you follow these simple rules to healthy living.
Keep feeding your body healthy nutrition, exercise in whatever way suits your schedule and physical condition best, get enough hours sleep each night and keep mentally active. I won't guarantee you will live to 100, but your years will be more productive and you will be much happier if you follow these simple rules to healthy living.
What a wonderful blessing to have such special ladies in your life to live to the ripe ages they have!!