The following is my prayer for myself, but it is also my prayer that it will be, if not already, the cry of your heart as well. It is a short excerpt from a book I am currently writing on prayer. I hope you will make it your own personal prayer.
Lord, I want to know the overwhelming presence of Your love in my heart. I don't just want to talk about it, hear about it, read about it or imagine it. I want to experience it personally, daily filling me and overflowing out of my heart and life back to You and out to others.
Melt every last vestige of hardness and coldness in my heart with Your love until my heart becomes a deep, deep well of Your love ever flowing and my life pours out to You in continual worship, Teach me to be a worshipper. Anoint me to worship. Create worship within me.
I do not ask merely for more of You, Lord, but I offer You more of me--my whole being--so that there is more room for You in my life. I do not ask You to merely enlarge my heart, Lord, but to enlarge Your place in my heart. Consume me with Your love until my life is wholly Yours, until there is nothing left in me but an anointing of Your love.
A beautiful prayer!