Professor Robert Emmons has been studying this subject for a living for more than ten years. He is based at University of California Davis. He is also editor-in-chief of the Journal of Positive Psychology. Prof. Emmons says that gratitude increases happiness levels up to 25%! This, in turn, enhances our health and well-being. He suggest keeping a Gratitude Journal, writing in it four times a week for at least three weeks. Another suggestion is to write a Gratude Letter to someone who has had a positive influence in your life.
Studies are showing that when we develop the habit of being thankful our heart rhythms and our brain activation patterns are affected. Our lives can be significantly improved with increased energy, a boost in our enthusiasm for life and will also benefit us socially. Imagine, just learn to be grateful for being alive, grateful for food, clothing, a roof over our head, grateful for family, friends, the sunshine... There is no end of things for which we can give thanks.
In a former post I mentioned how many more muscles it takes to frown than to smile. Expressing gratitude takes a whole lot less energy than expressing anger, frustration, resentment. Harboring bitterness uses up not only energy, health and well-being, but life itself. Our life span can actually be shortened by years when we live with these destructive emotions.
It has been well-documented over the years that anger, resentment and bitterness lead to diseases such as cancer, heart attacks, digestive disorders, arthritis, etc. What a price to pay for living with unforgiveness! How much simpler to learn to forgive, to be grateful for what we have rather than be bitter over what we don't have or what we used to have or what we wish we had.
Think of one thing you're grateful for right now. Even better, tell someone else. If you can't find anyone to tell, please leave a comment below and tell me what you are especially thankful for today. You might just make their day or mine happier in so doing. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude, not just in words, but in words that come from a sincere heart. It will cleanse your soul and spirit. It will bring release from stress. And you will find healthy living as a reward.
I am grateful that I have the privilege of writing this blog and sharing my gratitude with my readers. Have a happy, healthy and grateful day.
I am grateful that I have the privilege of writing this blog and sharing my gratitude with my readers. Have a happy, healthy and grateful day.
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