Welcome to my ever-expanding blog site. I trust you are enjoying your day. I invite you to browse the site, read the articles and enjoy my photography. Your opinion counts, so please leave a comment at the end of the posts. If you enjoy reading these blogs, feel free to pass the link on to any friends you think would also enjoy it.

The purpose of this blog site is 3-fold: a place for sharing general information, a place to share about spiritual matters that will help move us toward a healthier inner life and a place where I can talk about my business and the products that can help us experience better health. Note: This section, though still on the blog for you to read, is no longer relevant to me as I am no longer in business since I retired in 2010

Thank you for dropping by. I trust you will consider your visit worthwhile. This site is a 'work in progress', sometimes changing by the minute, so come back soon to see what's new on MY HEALTHY LIVING BLOG.

God bless you today and every day. Remember, "A joyful heart is good medicine" (Proverbs 17:22-NASB). Blessings and health to you and yours.


Note: Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this blog taken by Diane Stephenson

Saturday, July 25, 2009

More Beauty for Healthy Living

Here are a few photos I took earlier this year at Fanshawe Pioneer Village in London Ontario.

This village is a great place to spend a summer afternoon in the sunshine. Founded by the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority in 1956, it was officially opened in 1959.

Spanning 2.2 acres on Fanshawe Lake, a lake created by Fanshawe Dam, Pioneer Village is a delightful place to visit. As you can see by the one picture, it is a great place for sailing. There is also a roped-off area for swimming.

Our church has also held water baptismal services in the lake.

As you stroll through the grounds past soldiers clad in bright red uniforms and ladies dressed in period costumes, you are transported back in time to an era long past.

Relax, wander through the homes, enjoy the beauty and peaceful outdoors.

Buildings are being added yearly. There are several churches, the old London Free Press office, beautiful old homes complete with furniture of the era.

After you have seen all the buildings you can stop by for ice cream and home-made pie in the little shop. There is also a general store where you can wander at your leisure and purchase items of interest to you.

Without beauty in our lives we are not truly living healthy, so I do hope you have enjoyed my pictures and that this little bit of beauty will help you to experience more Healthy Living.

If you reside in the London area I would encourage you to set aside a day before summer is over and visit Fanshawe Pioneer Village. There are also special seasonal events, so if summer isn't convenient, try Thanksgiving or Christmas. You won't regret it. If you live too far away, consider camping in the Fanshawe Park campground. Check out their web site for more information. http://www.fanshawepioneervillage.ca

Healthy Living to you all.

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