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The purpose of this blog site is 3-fold: a place for sharing general information, a place to share about spiritual matters that will help move us toward a healthier inner life and a place where I can talk about my business and the products that can help us experience better health. Note: This section, though still on the blog for you to read, is no longer relevant to me as I am no longer in business since I retired in 2010

Thank you for dropping by. I trust you will consider your visit worthwhile. This site is a 'work in progress', sometimes changing by the minute, so come back soon to see what's new on MY HEALTHY LIVING BLOG.

God bless you today and every day. Remember, "A joyful heart is good medicine" (Proverbs 17:22-NASB). Blessings and health to you and yours.


Note: Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this blog taken by Diane Stephenson

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Align CenterI was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD."
Psalm 122:1 (NASB)

Sunday, the first day of the week, the Lord's day. Whatever you call it, it is the day when Christians traditionally go to church. Some attend huge cathedrals, some meet in tiny wooden structures, some with thousands of other worshipers, others with only a handful of like-minded folk. Some are so poor they have no building but meet under the trees or open sky. Regardless of where you worship and with whom, the Lord is there in the midst as He promised (see Matthew 18:20). Are you there with Him?

Do we merely attend church? Or do we truly worship the God of all creation, the God who sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins because He loves us so intensely? Worship is more than singing a few hymns and choruses. Worship is more than praise. Worship is a melting of our hearts in the presence of the God of love. It is a pouring out of our hearts in love and adoration to Him because of who He is, not for things He has done. If He never did another thing for us, there is enough for which to worship Him throughout eternity.

Are you glad when Sunday comes around once again bringing with it the opportunity to fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ and with the true and living God? Or has church become a duty, or worse, a habit? Have you forgotten how to enjoy the presence of your Savior, or do you still marvel at His beauty? Have you met this wonderful Savior whom to know is to love?

I pray that you do know Him, and that, like King David, you are glad, eager, to enter the house of the Lord each Sunday morning. May God's blessings follow you wherever you go and may you walk in His paths each day of your lives.

Ascribe to the LORD, O sons of the mighty,
Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due to His name;
Worship the LORD in holy array. Psalm 29, 1, 2 (NASB)

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