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The purpose of this blog site is 3-fold: a place for sharing general information, a place to share about spiritual matters that will help move us toward a healthier inner life and a place where I can talk about my business and the products that can help us experience better health. Note: This section, though still on the blog for you to read, is no longer relevant to me as I am no longer in business since I retired in 2010

Thank you for dropping by. I trust you will consider your visit worthwhile. This site is a 'work in progress', sometimes changing by the minute, so come back soon to see what's new on MY HEALTHY LIVING BLOG.

God bless you today and every day. Remember, "A joyful heart is good medicine" (Proverbs 17:22-NASB). Blessings and health to you and yours.


Note: Unless otherwise noted, all photos on this blog taken by Diane Stephenson

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Do you ever suffer from bouts of doubts? You question, wonder, falter in your walk. Did God really say that? Am I on the right path? Does God really love me? Why is this happening? Or, why isn't this happening?

I think you know what I mean, and I imagine we have all been there at one time or another--or perhaps many times over. Maybe you are there now. It's not unusual. The important thing is our response to those doubts?

What we must not do is give in to them. What we must not do is believe them. Read the Word of God. What does it say about our situation? Have we been obedient to God's revealed will in His Word? God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19), so what He says in His Word is truth. It must be fulfilled (see Isaiah 55:11) when we meet His conditions. When He said He would never leave or forsake us, He meant it. When He said He would provide us with everything we need, He will do it. When He said He is our Healer, it is truth that cannot be changed.

So, when the doubts assail us, we must to run to Jesus. Let's not entertain doubts, because Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) and will provide us with a way out of the mindset of doubt into the mindset of faith (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). Submit therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Doubts will fly away with him. Faith will fill our hearts.

One of the best ways to conquer doubt is to praise the Lord. Sing some of David's songs from the Book of Psalms. Lift up the name of Jesus and He will draw you near to Him (see John 12:32). The Lord is a mighty warrior and will, if we yield to Him, have the victory in our lives. Then He will sing over us (see Zephaniah 3:17). Can you hear Him singing now? 

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